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Friday, January 31, 2014

Mini Update #2~

The last two days I haven't gotten any mail from any of my pen pals :( but I think throughout this week I've sent between 5-7 letters out! Which is very good for me! Haha :P
I haven't written back to Rose yet because I'm sending her stuff for Valentine's day! She's sent me many different things and I feel so bad cause I haven't sent her anything other than letters >.<; So I will try to find many cute things to send to her! I already have a cute little Valentine's Day parcel, it's pink and has and bunch of hearts on it, it got it at the post office :3
and I found cute little stuffed animals that have hearts on their tummies and have a little bag of candy with them!
But I still have to find some other things too! 
In total I think I'm sending out three Valentine's Day parcels so it should be fairly easy and not as expensive as the last set of three parcels I just sent out D: those ones hurt! Haha just a little update on everything so far!~
Oh and I'm supposed to write a first letter to a new pen pal! I feel bad cause I forgot with all the tests at school and family issues :( I hope she isn't mad D:
I think I can send it on Monday hopefully!!
I feel like I'm so behind on everything but at the same time I feel like I just caught up on everything, what are all of this?! Haha :P

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

So Messy!

My sister and I have a pen pal in Korea, and she writes to both us. So my sister was in my room with me the other day and we were writing our letters and making are cards. It was sooooo messy! And I just cleaned it up today, but there's still such a mess EVERYWHERE! Cause it's my tiny desk in a corner with a little standing organizer with three drawers and half the stuff on my desk is like, 'Why is this here? When did I need this?'

I just found a cute little box to put all the new letters I receive in so I know to write back quickly! :) I put on top of the standing organizer which I cleaned out, finally!!

Now on to my desk >.<; so messy!! I don't want to clean it :( but I must!

Parcel from Rose in South Korea!~

So I went to the post office today to mail out three little parcels (1 to Japan and 2 to Korea) and the line was so long :( so it took a lot longer than I thought :/ But on my way home my dad sent me a picture of a package from Korea! I was so excited, I couldn't wait to get home! :D

Here is the box it came in, though when we talked briefly she said it was a letter so I wasn't expecting anything like a parcel. I sent my last reply to her in December/January I can't remember exactly which month >.<; but I hadn't heard from her in a while so I messaged her asking how she had been and what's going on, and she kept saying how sorry she was that she never sent a reply. I felt so bad cause I think she thought I was mad at her! 

The inside of the box. I actually had to open it from the bottom cause I didn't want to rip the paper/address label thingy on the top....I'm so weird haha XP

The cute pink parcel, unboxed! :3 I love the cute little heart sticker! My parents also got a kick out of the english on their too :P

The inside before anything was taken out, (well kind of ....I took one thing out and put it back in for this picture!) hehe

The letter, with a cute little clip that she included to hold the envelope, paper, and stickers together~

The envelope that her letter was inside, with a cute little sticker on the outside!
I love the way she writes her name with a rose after it! 

The front on the envelope, it says Dear Avery and From Rose. 

She sends little Korean Lessons in her letters! I love them!~ 

I haven't had time yet to read everything, I've looked over it a couple times. But it's so cool!

STICKERS!! :D I love stickers! Hahaha and these are cute little bears with hearts!
She even translated from korean to english what the hearts said!

This is the cutest pencil I have ever seen in my life, hands down! 

Bear Socks! Cause everyone always needs bear socks, :3 rawr! 

The back of the socks, I know I keep saying cute a lot, but these are all so cute!!!!! I mean, you can't disagree with that! 

A face mask *.* it's Rose, just like Rose!! Hahaha I think she did that on purpose :P

The back~

A flower notepad/ book
I didn't take a picture of the pages inside D: I'm sorry! >.<;

Everything all together!~

Ta-Dah!!!!!~ So today was awesome! :3 hopefully I'll get some more mail tomorrow! 

Mini FB Haul~

I got a letter with two FB's and some sheets too! Not as many as last time :/ but still excited!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Mail Lady?!

I finished my Midterm! Yippie! :D
So I got home at 11am, and my mom said the usually comes from 11am-12pm so I've been on the couch by the door for more than an hour now >.<;
Where is the mail lady?? Please bring me my mail :(
Hopefully she comes around soon, cause I'm gonna go crazy D:

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Sunday.. and a mini update #1

Another Sunday.. no mail..nothing new :( how saddening but hopefully tomorrow there will be a letter or more waiting for me when I come home!~ I have school tests tomorrow so really looking forward to coming hone afterwards, and a letter (or more) would be super nice to come home to!

My sister and I have a pen pal in Korea that we are writing to, I'll post a pic of the letters before we mail them out!

I still have to write replies to Subin and Adele >.<; I already wrote back to Anri and sent her letter!

I'm supposed to be receiving a letter from Korea from Rose, her letters haven't been added on here yet cause I haven't received one since I started on here.

Also I have two mini parcels that have to go out, one to Japan to my pen pal Rena, and another pen pal in Korea who's name is Kyuhyun!

I'm also doing two swaps currently too! A candy swap with a girl in the UK and another friend from Korea sending me stationary while in return I send her make up!

I also contacted someone about excess FB's but I haven't heard from her in a while so I'll take that as a no :/ Oh well... but there'll be more in the future!

Though I have to go out a purchase mailers to send these things out! D: When will I ever go to the store again?! Maybe tomorrow after my exam? I hope so!

I babysat last night, and I'm babysitting tonight! Yippie! Now I can get things to send to my pen pals AND actually send them out!  I'm super excited now :D

I think that's all for my mini update for now...I hope many others will still be viewing my blog even if they just take a quick look and think it's cool, which would be awesome :3  Leave comments too! Even just to say you think something is cool or if you have a pen pal from the same country.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Letter from Anri in Japan~

Today I received a 'First Letter' from a new pen pal in Japan! :D How exciting!!! Her name is Anri and she has a pet hamster, who looks so adorable! :3
Here is the envelope, I kinda got excited and opened it before I took any pictures >.<; heh

The inside!~

The last page of her letter which is on super cute stationary that I absolutely loveee~ And she spelled my name out in stickers! So cute!!
She also sent a cute note pad/ memo pad! 

This is a closer up picture of the front design.

A picture of the back, it's a San-x product.
(not really sure why I took a picture of the back O.o haha)

The inside design which is so so so cute!! :3

And the backs of the paper have like a little subtle polka dot design on the back with little faces in the polka dots, I'm not sure how well you can see them in this picture though >.<;

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Letter from Subin from South Korea!~

Today my dad was sick so I had to check the mail as I got off the bus, and I was kinda losing hope as I looked through the mail, then I came across this blue envelope, that also happened to be the last envelope in the bundle, from South Korea! 

Ta-da!!~ My letter!

The inside before I took anything out~

She sent along with a letter, and little postcard asking me to visit, a few things! :D

She sent a 'Wash-Off Mask' from The Face Shop. 
(*sidenote: when I went to KoreaTown in NYC, I went to The Face Shop they had there, and it was amazing!~ I loved it so much!)

She even translated the directions on the back to english!

These are from Etude House, the both say 'White Moistfull' on them and I'm guessing they are moisturizers haha :P

Green Tea, I've never tried green tea before so this will be interesting! I hope I like it!

I think these are little hard candies, maybe like caramel or lemon flavored? I'm not sure >.<;
Hold one, I'll have one now just to make sure!
Lemon Flavored!! 
The wrapper gave me a hard time though! phew!
They're really good! I would definatly recommend these to anyone!

'Korea Coffee!'
I've seen different kinds of coffee sticks/pouches in Korean Dramas and I've always wanted to see what they taste like :3 
So maybe Saturday morning I'll try it, or probably Sunday morning cause I'll be babysitting Saturday night.

Subin is one of my pen pals tom Korea, and she's also the one who asked if I could visit her in Korea! I talked with my parents and they said maybe next Summer I can go and visit her! :D I'm so excited!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Penpal of the Week...

Hai guys!!
So when I sent out a few letters the other day, I sent out a letter to Julia at containing my penpal ad! :D So hopefully she'll post it once she gets it :3
I had been thinking about sending a letter to her for a while, since I'm still new to snail mail, and wayyyy much newer to decorating my snail mail I send out but I decided to go for it! So hopefully all goes well! :)

I'll update about it soon if I can!

Letter from Czech Republic!~

Today I received a letter from my pen pal in Czech Republic, Europe!
She had cute little Cat stickers on the envelope ^.^

Sorry my pictures are such bad quality in general now >.< I'll try to take more time to make sure everything is centered, and viewable!

Oh, gosh the pictures look worse after I added them on here O.O So sorry! For the next letter I will take better pictures! :)

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

FB Haul~

I received my letter containing 8 FB's today!
This is my first time receiving any FB's, so I was super psyched!
Here are two pictures, featuring my messy desk >.<; just ignore what you can see of the mess! Haha with midterms coming up it's been very busy and stressful :( but one down and one tomorrow then one best week! Almost there! Then back to snail mailing pen pals much more often! :D

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Mini Update

Just a little update so mail this week :/ kinda sad, I feel so lonely with an empty mailbox!!
Remeber the post about that poor package to China I said that had been stuck at my house? Well it was sent out today!! Finally! I feel bad it's taken such a long obnoxious  time to send :( I hope my pen pal won't be upset!
Also two days ago I recieved my Vellum envelopes from amazon in the mail!! I thought it was a package from a pen pal though :/ but none the less I was still excited to get them!!
Today I went to micheals!! I got some paper to make as inserts for the vellum envelopes, more brads, ink pad, two I think that's it!
I was really happy with all the do signs I got on the paper!! So cute! I'll try to put up a picture tomorrow but I might forget to >.< sorry!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

China bound Package

This poor package has been sitting at my house for a while :( hopefully it will get sent out tomorrow! To China and away! :P

FB's coming soon!

I got an email about more FB's!! But from a different person. Unfortunately I don't know what country they are coming from :/ But she said she would be sending them on Monday! Tomorrow! :D
But I don't know how long it will take cause I have no idea where they are being sent from, I'm terrible!! hahah :P

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Letter from Thailand!~

Yesterday I got a card from my pen pal in Thailand! :D I was so happy, my mailbox has been so barren D:
Sorry I don't have a picture of the card I got too excited and completely forgot to take a picture >.<;
Please don't hate meeeee

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Went to Michaels

I went to Michaels today before I had math tutoring and I got a few things...
It's not a lot, but I didn't have a lot of time either >.<;
I got four new rolls of washi tape :DD So excited!! WAIT! You guys can't see the blue pattern ones D: I'm sorry...I'm such a disappointment :c
I got some brads, heart stickers for valentines day, tags, little present adhesives (aka AP stickers, hahaha :P) And then I also got tho a tape runner...but when I got home I realized it was a refill /).-)
grrrr It's been a long day.

BUT!!! On the upside my penal in Arkansas got my letter today!! She messaged me twice and I'm an idiot and never checked, until later when she wasn't on anymore D: But she got it!! And she said she really liked it!
I have a sticker book of the kpop group INFINITE and I used a lot of stickers from there in her letter and on the envelope :3 hehehe
It looked so purrrrty in my opinion.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Friendship Books FB's

I posted an ad on and someone emailed me about excess FB's!! I'm so excited! Though she said she couldn't mail them until March, that's still close! So I'm super psyched!

Three down!

I got a big package sent today :DDD Yay!! I'm super excited, it's going to my first pen pal ever, and she's in China. I hope she's excited when she gets it.
I also sent out two letters, one to Sweden and one to my first pen pal in the states (I was looking for one in a state nearby cause it's not nearly as expensive as having international pen pals, and hopefully we can meet many times!) She lives in Arkansas!
That's my update for today!~

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Valium..or vellum?...

So I was looking for some vellum envelopes, and cause I'm an idiot I kept searching for "valium envelopes" ....heh yeah, aren't I special! But anyway I ordered envelopes!  :D


I went to the post office to send my haul out, and they closed at 2pm! They wouldn't let anyone in! I'm so upset now!! I have to wait until Monday, and I have school starting again on Monday too!
Grrr.... Hopefully it all works out..

Post Office Run?

So like 20 minutes until the mail should be coming around my neighborhood, I'm hoping I'll get a letter! (Or more!) But also today I'm supposed to be going to the post office! Which means that I'll be able to send out two or three packages! So the pile on my table will hopefully only shrink down to the two bigger packages on the bottom!
The tan envelop and the white one with no address are going in bigger envelopes that I don't have now, so that's why they have no address >.<
You know the ones at the post office that have the pretty designs? And also you have to pay for TT.TT yeah...those.
But I just found a blog the other night that had a really cool way to send letters and include little things or little gifts in it, and I thought it was so cute! So maybe I'll try that idea soon! I'm excited to try it, though I'll probably mess it up..

Any way~ Hope everyone's day is going well, and you found some enjoyment out of reading any of my posts! 

Friday, January 3, 2014

New Outgoing Letter to Sweden~

This is a letter I'm sending out to Sweden! Sorry if the picture is really bad >.<
I'm also trying to find ways to make the envelopes looks nicer, and to decorate them! As you can see I didn't do that with this one cause I wasn't sure what to do >.<; Hopefully though I'll be able too!

Visit a Pen Pal

Has anyone ever visited a pen pal before? I have a pen pal in South Korea and she keeps asking if I can go and visit her over summer break here, cause she says they have a month off of school in July. I've already brought the idea up with my mom but she really hasn't showed any yes or no to the question. I'm a little afraid to ask my dad about it because we just got out of a conflict (sorta), recently, but I don't know if there is anyone else I should talk to about.

My Pen pal even said her family wants her to have a friend visit, which I thought was cool, cause  from everything I've heard it's not usually the parents that are so excited about having a foreign pen pal visit.

I would be staying with her family in her home, and it would obviously be during a break so I'd always be with them.

I really want to do this! But I don't want to get too excited if my parents are just gonna say no >.<;
And I'm not sure how early she needs to know or her parents need to know, but I really want to go! ^.^

First Post~

So I thought of making a blog about my pen pals, because I think it's so fun to have a pen pal and to write through snail mail!
I've already received some letters so I won't be starting from scratch. Although this will be my first time doing a blog, so I hope it works out well! ^.^

Sorry for the Christmas themed table cloth :P
But these are the letters from my pen pals that I have received so far! I get so excited everyday when I go to check the mail...and then when there's nothing there from a pen pal, it's sad :( but there's always tomorrow! Unless it's Sunday...cause there's no mail on Sunday :/

And here are the packages and letter I have yet to send, because I'm so slow and have no money at the moment to send big packages D:
I can send the letter out soon though so that's a big yippie!! ^.^