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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Parcel from Rose in South Korea!~

So I went to the post office today to mail out three little parcels (1 to Japan and 2 to Korea) and the line was so long :( so it took a lot longer than I thought :/ But on my way home my dad sent me a picture of a package from Korea! I was so excited, I couldn't wait to get home! :D

Here is the box it came in, though when we talked briefly she said it was a letter so I wasn't expecting anything like a parcel. I sent my last reply to her in December/January I can't remember exactly which month >.<; but I hadn't heard from her in a while so I messaged her asking how she had been and what's going on, and she kept saying how sorry she was that she never sent a reply. I felt so bad cause I think she thought I was mad at her! 

The inside of the box. I actually had to open it from the bottom cause I didn't want to rip the paper/address label thingy on the top....I'm so weird haha XP

The cute pink parcel, unboxed! :3 I love the cute little heart sticker! My parents also got a kick out of the english on their too :P

The inside before anything was taken out, (well kind of ....I took one thing out and put it back in for this picture!) hehe

The letter, with a cute little clip that she included to hold the envelope, paper, and stickers together~

The envelope that her letter was inside, with a cute little sticker on the outside!
I love the way she writes her name with a rose after it! 

The front on the envelope, it says Dear Avery and From Rose. 

She sends little Korean Lessons in her letters! I love them!~ 

I haven't had time yet to read everything, I've looked over it a couple times. But it's so cool!

STICKERS!! :D I love stickers! Hahaha and these are cute little bears with hearts!
She even translated from korean to english what the hearts said!

This is the cutest pencil I have ever seen in my life, hands down! 

Bear Socks! Cause everyone always needs bear socks, :3 rawr! 

The back of the socks, I know I keep saying cute a lot, but these are all so cute!!!!! I mean, you can't disagree with that! 

A face mask *.* it's Rose, just like Rose!! Hahaha I think she did that on purpose :P

The back~

A flower notepad/ book
I didn't take a picture of the pages inside D: I'm sorry! >.<;

Everything all together!~

Ta-Dah!!!!!~ So today was awesome! :3 hopefully I'll get some more mail tomorrow! 

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